Low Self-esteem
Low Self-esteem
Self-esteem is the opinion you have of yourself. When you have low self-esteem, you tend to see yourself, the world, and your future more negatively and critically. You might feel anxious, sad, low, or unmotivated. When you encounter challenges, you may doubt whether you will be able to rise to them. You might have an inner critical voice telling you things like "I'm useless", "I never do anything right", or "I'm never good enough".
Signs of Low Self-Esteem
- Extremely self-critical
- Downplay or ignore positive qualities
- Judge yourself to be inferior to peers
- Use negative words to describe yourself, such as stupid, fat, ugly or unlovable
- Self-talk that is mostly self-negative, critical and self-blaming
- Assuming that luck plays a large role in achievements and not taking the credit for them
- Self-blame when things go wrong instead of taking into account other external factors
- Unable to accept or believe compliments